
Global lighting forum launched LED the working group

  More than 5,000 lighting manufacturers target tissue global group represented a coordinated manner to promote LED lighting. Shenzhen Risen OPTO CO.,LTD. pay close attention to this matter
  In order to accelerate the uptake of LED lighting, lighting industry representative bodies announced a plan to coordinate and promote the technology worldwide.
  Global Lighting Forum (GLF), in Shenzhen, China, held its fourth meeting, including the inaugural meeting of the Working Group of the Great Leap Forward LED.
  GLF representatives from around the world more than a forum for 5,000 lighting manufacturers and US $ 50 billion per year sales peak lighting industry organizations.
  Great Leap Forward, said light-emitting diodes revolutionize promising because energy efficiency, light quality, longevity and adaptability of its inherent advantages of lighting. To ensure the smooth introduction of the LED lights, the Great Leap Forward has established working groups and other processes, commitment to technology.
  The GLFâ € ™ s Chairman, Jan Denneman said, LED will play a leading role in almost all lighting applications.
  "The world will witness a revolution in lighting, which will help reduce energy consumption, while achieving new lighting experience to be developed," Denneman said.

 GLF by the Association on behalf of various regions of the following areas:
 Australia: Lighting Council Australia € "LCA
 Brazil: Abilux
 China: Lighting industry € "CALI China Association for Science
 Europe: European Lamp Companies Federation € "ELC
 India: Lamps and Components Manufacturers Association € "ELCOMA
 Japan: Japan Electric Manufacturers Association € "JELMA
 Japan: Japanese lighting association € "JLA
 United States: National Electrical Manufacturers Association € "NEMA
 Taiwan: Taiwan Lighting Fixture Export Association € "TLFEA
 Europe: CELMA € "observers

  For this program, our company will certainly make every effort to support and coordinate the plan to promote the development of LED industry.

  For more information, please click: http://www.outdoorlightingsupplier.com/

